Celebrating IBLF GLobal’s 10th Anniversary

Celebrating IBLF Global’s 10th Anniversary

05 September 2023

2023 marks the 10th anniversary of IBLF Global. Looking back on the journey during this decade, since its spin-off from the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum, IBLF has been dedicated to promoting responsible business around the world. The first 10 years witnessed its continuous commitment and actions to foster business integrity and its determination to a more just and equitable global business landscape. 

This blog, “
Celebrating a Decade of Impact: IBLF Global's 10th Anniversary”, written by the CEO of IBLF Global, Brook Horowitz, elaborates on IBLF’s story in the first decade since its establishment. It delves into how IBLF Global has crafted its strategies and plans step by step, conducted projects in different geographies, and continuously performed its duties, missions, and visions.

The first decade is the start of IBLF Global's journey. IBLF will continue on this transformative path, to foster integrity and responsible practices, by itself, with partners, international organizations and donors, and to embrace the challenges and opportunities lying ahead.

IBLF Global

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