Celebrating a Decade of Impact: IBLF Global's 10th Anniversary
05 September 2023
It's IBLF Global's 10th Anniversary! In 2013, Jan Dauman, Boris Tkachenko and Brook Horowitz spun off IBLF Global from the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum and created a new NGO to "promote responsible business through collective action".
Since then IBLF has been actively designing and implementing projects that have helped companies and governments work together to enable business to be done with integrity in emerging and developing markets.
From IBLF’s Government-Business Integrity Initiative with Vietnam Chamber of Commerce to the work for the Government of Kyrgyzstan on making public tenders accessible to SMEs; from the public-private dialogues and advocacy work as co-chair of the B20 Turkey to IBLF’s role as business integrity adviser to UNDP's FairBiz project in ASEAN; from the training programmes and toolkits for SMEs in Asia Pacific (see photo below from one of IBLF’s business integrity training sessions in Vietnam) to mentoring of young entrepreneurs in Russia (in better times) and women-led companies in Thailand; from the analytical reports on public procurement in sub-Saharan Africa and beneficial ownership in Nigeria to the policy guides on meaningful youth engagement in anti-corruption and fostering integrity in global supply chains….. These are just some of the projects IBLF has delivered over the past 10 years.
Of course, none of this would have been possible without the leadership and energy of Jan, Boris, and Chairman of IBLF Global Phil Mason OBE. Finally, a shout-out to our funders, trustees, employees, interns and external delivery partners - all too many to name here - you know who you are. To all of you, thank you for your trust and support for our work over the years!
Article by CEO of IBLF Global
Brook Horowitz