UK Government Anti-Corruption strategy

UK Government Recognise IBLF Global in a Published Update of its Anti-Corruption Strategy 

December 12, 2018

The UK Government has published an update of the first year of its anti-corruption strategy. IBLF Global  Business Integrity Initiative project in which we participated with our partners GovRisk and a good many of our friends from business and civil society was mentioned in the draft (see Review 5, Goal 3, p22). 

Practical information on integrity considerations when doing business overseas is available on, the digital platform of DIT. DFID, DIT, FCO, UKEF and SFO have also updated wording on their respective websites for better coherence and to emphasize the benefits of business integrity, as well as the risks of corruption. This will encourage businesses to operate with integrity, leading to reduced corruption, increased and more sustainable trade and investment and an enhanced UK reputation.

We're pleased to have made our modest contribution to helping UK companies operate with integrity in challenging markets by researching and drafting this guidance.

UK Government AC Strategy
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