Phil Mason publishes an article on integrity and compliance
6 June 2022
Phil Mason, Chairman of IBLF Global, published the article "Integrity and Compliance – A Fresh Perspective" on IBLF Blog this month.
This article takes a serious look at the current surveillance economy, which prefers the conventional compliance route to "good behaviours" in companies rather than instiling integrity as a corporate culture. Judging by the number of corruption scandals in governments and in the corporate world, the rule-based system isn’t working too well.
It is exciting to see small business owners and start-up entrepreneurs morally rejected the traditional business methods and appreciated the opportunity to learn new ways of doing business with integrity. The challenge here is how to incorporate the values of integrity into government agencies and the large companies, especially the state-run companies, which still tolerate, and even promote, the traditional business model.
Phil further shares IBLF Global's experience in helping companies establish or strengthen a value-based integrity system and our collaborative experience with business organisations, international agencies, civil society. Please visit
IBLF Blog to read the whole article.
Chairman of IBLF Global, Phil Mason