IBLF Global delivers training programs to suppliers of major Malaysian Telecoms company Maxis
9 December 2021
On International Anti-Corruption Day, Brook Horowitz, CEO of IBLF Global and Business Intergrity Advisor at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), speaks at the webinar "Have integrity: own it" for staff and suppliers of Maxis, a leading Malaysian Telecoms company.
This initiative was started by UNDP through its FairBiz project - Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN. A few months ago, UNDP FairBiz conducted the pilot training on "Beyond Compliance" in Malaysia for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the supply chains of leading Malaysian telecoms company Maxis. It aimed to help these SMEs to strengthen corporate governance and improve business integrity. It is a crucial step to create a fair, transparent, and sustainable environment in Malaysia.
Today was "Action Day" - the culmination of the programme, and an opportunity to see how the training had impacted their operations. During the meeting, Brook discussed with senior executives of two Maxis suppliers - Jonn Pua of Gogopass and Max Koh of Justel about operationalizing integrity in their own companies, the opportunities and challenges.
It was really great to hear these two dynamic business leaders speak so eloquently about the importance of values, and how they had embedded these values in their corporate culture. For them and their colleagues, compliance is no constraint, but a motivation - to do more business better.