Moscow Government holds Third Annual Anti-corruption Conference in Public Procurement
10th November, 2015
IBLF played a leading role in Moscow Government’s annual conference on anti-corruption in Public Procurement “Government and Business against Corruption in Public Procurement and Tenders”.
Now into its third year, the conference is a direct result of the Policy Dialogue initiated by IBLF Russia a few years ago between multinational investors in Russia and the Moscow Government Competition department. This year it was attended by over 1000 representatives of the Federal authorities, the leadership of Moscow Government and public procurement officials from around the country. It was chaired by Deputy Mayor Natalia Sergunina.
IBLF Russia, as in previous years, acted as co-organiser alongside the Agency of Strategic Initiatives. IBLF Russia’s Executive Director Boris Tkachenko advised the Moscow Government on the agenda and IBLF CEO Brook Horowitz spoke at, and moderated, the plenary and break-out sessions. Amongst IBLF’s special guest speakers were Olivier Bosc, President of GE Healthcare Russia and CIS, Tania Ghossein, Programme Manager of Benchmarking Public Procurement
(BPP) project at the World Bank, and Angela Russo, Head
of Department of International Cooperation of Consip, the Italian National Procurement Agency.
During their stay in Moscow Tania and Angela delivered a seminar to 60 Public Procurement professionals and students at the Moscow Public Administration University. Tania shared the results for Russia, one of ten pilot countries in the first round of the Benchmarking Public Procurement project, and Angela shared Italy’s experience of introducing e-procurement.