IBLF Global announces the new project with Alliance for Integrity on global supply chains
20 October 2022
IBLF Global, together with Alliance for Integrity, is delighted to announce a new joint project: over the next few months we will be researching and publishing a guide on “Fostering integrity in global supply chains”.
In this guide, we’ll be looking at how multinationals can work with their SME suppliers in the global South and elsewhere to implement integrated approaches for mitigating corruption, human rights and environmental risks across supply chains.
The traditional approach has been to treat each risk separately, but with the emergence of new legislation and increasingly complex and intertwined risks, companies will be looking for more efficient and effective ways of maintaining and promoting an ethical culture throughout their workforce and supply chains. This publication will provide guidance on how to achieve this.
Our team consists of Susanne Friedrich and Dr. Simon Gaus from Alliance for Integrity, Brook Horowitz and Qinyi Liu from IBLF Global, and contributors Jen Green and Drew Burnett.
Alliance for Integrity
IBLF Global