IBLF Global moderates the panel session of Alliance for Integrity Global Conference 2023
From right to left: Mr Philip Bartsch from AHK Chile, Mr Matei Ene from Commerzbank and Ms Anita Schieffer from Siemens Energy, Mr Brook Horowitz from IBLF Global
22 June 2023
Brook Horowitz, CEO of IBLF Global, moderated a panel session at the Alliance for Integrity Global Conference 2023. This year, as the new German Supply Chain Act came into force, the conference focused on how to associate anti-corruption with the new due diligence requirements of human rights and environmental issues. The panel session, entitled “Know Your Business Partner - And Make A Difference”, aimed at discussing with all panelists on the challenges they are facing when encountering a new era of integrity, along with the corresponding solutions.
We are very pleased to have with us during the discussion: Mr Philip Bartsch from AHK Chile, Mr Matei Ene from Commerzbank and Ms Anita Schieffer from Siemens Energy.
There are some key points discussed during the session. As we are talking about compliance not only in the multinationals, but also in their supply chains, it should be noted that third-party due diligence is a critical practice in supply chain management that companies are already implementing. The new regulatory environment incentivises companies to do even more in this area to prevent social and economic harm impacting in regions of operations. There are synergies between different components of promoting responsible business in supply chains, notably between raising human rights’ and labour standards, protecting the environment, and countering corruption. Integrating these components holistically enables companies to adapt to the ever-changing and increasingly challenging regulatory environment and to respond to consumer and investor demand for cleaner, socially responsible and ethical business. Companies can pool resources and work together to find solutions to raising business standards amongst their third-party suppliers in challenging markets.
During the session, Brook introduced the new publication of Alliance of Integrity, titled “Fostering Integrity in Global Supply Chains - a Guide to Integrating Anti-Corruption, Human Rights and Environment in Supply Chain Operations”. This guide, published by Alliance for Integrity and co-authored by Brook and Jen Green, illustrates how companies meet the new integrity challenge of integrating anti-corruption, human rights and environmental protection.
Alliance for Integrity
IBLF Global