AC SMEToolkit by IBLF Global Highlighted by UK DE Gov
G20/B20 AC Toolkit highlighted in UK and German Government Publications and Websites
December 14, 2018
The G20/B20 Toolkit, produced in 2015 by IBLF Global at the request of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, with the support of companies involved in the B20, has been mentioned as a reference source by two government guidelines by the UK and German Governments. The UK Government advice comes in integrity advice published within the Department of International Trade’s flagship guidance for UK exporters, The German Government publication,
Korruption vermeiden – Hinweise für deutsche Unternehmen, die im Ausland tätig sind (Avoiding corruption - Information for German companies operating abroad} mentions the Toolkit on p11. Our hope is that other countries will either take up the Toolkit or adapt it. There are currently adaptations in Vietnam
and Turkey.